Summary: If a philosopher starts speaking about elementary particles, run.Now, some people enjoy ridiculing philosophers who talk about things they don't understand. Those who want to engage in it will surely be disappointed to learn that Kastrup is not a professional philosopher. According to his website, his Ph.D. is in computer engineering. He lists no affiliation with any academic department of philosophy (though he does say that he has worked at CERN and at the Philips Research Laboratories).
This may leave readers wondering what sorts of things actual professional philosophers say when they talk about particle physics. If you're interested, I have two suggestions.
- One good place to start is the Epistemology of the LHC Project, based in Wuppertal.
- I also suggest, as a general rule, that if you want a sense of what's happening in any area of philosophy of physics, take a look at recent issues of a journal that I co-edit, Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics. You can, for example, do a search on keyword "particle physics." Run with it!