Last week, Justin Weinberg asked me and some other people whether we’d be willing to contribute to a group blog post commenting on a paper [1] that had been making the rounds on social media. You can find our responses over at Daily Nous.
Justin asked that our contributions be relatively short, to get the discussion going. So, of course, what I did was write a short piece, realize that it was about twice the length that Justin had asked for, and then applied surgery. Here’s my full piece, which I’ve added to since then, explaining in a bit more detail what the de Broglie-Bohm theory says about the Wigner-Brukner thought experiment.
Headline news! Stop
the presses! A group of experimenters
did an experiment, and the results came out exactly the way that our best
physical theory of such things says it should, just as everyone expected. Quantum Theory Confirmed Again.
That’s what actually happened, though you’d never know it
from the clickbait headline: A quantum
experiment suggests there’s no such thing as objective reality [1].
The experiment [2] was inspired by a recent paper by Časlav
Brukner, entitled “A No-Go Theorem for Observer-Independent Facts” [3]. The
abstract of the paper reporting on the experiment proclaims, “This result lends
considerable strength to interpretations of quantum theory already set in an
observer-dependent framework and demands for revision of those which are not.”
Here’s a convenient feature of claims of this sort: when you
see one, you can be sure, without even going through the details of the
argument, that any conclusion to the effect that the predictions of quantum mechanics are incompatible with an objective,
observer-independent reality, is simply and plainly false. That is because
we have a theory that yields all of the predictions of standard quantum
mechanics and coherently describes a single, observer-independent world. This is the theory that was presented already
in 1927 by Louis de Broglie, and was rediscovered in 1952 by David Bohm, and is
either called the de Broglie-Bohm pilot
wave theory, or Bohmian mechanics,
depending on who you’re talking to. You
can be confident that, if you went through the details of a thought-experiment,
then (provided that the thought-experiment is sufficiently well-specified), you
would find that the de Broglie-Bohm theory gives a consistent,
observer-independent, one-world account of the goings on in the experiment, an
account that is in complete accord with standard quantum mechanics with regards
to predictions of experimental outcomes.
The way that the de-Broglie Bohm theory achieves this is
interesting. It is a theory on which the world consists of well-localized
particles that obey a non-classical law of motion. There’s always a matter of
fact about where things are, on this theory. It’s a deterministic theory, so,
given initial conditions, the result of any experiment is determined. But what
that result is can depend on what other experiments are performed at the same
time; it’s what is called a contextual
hidden-variables theory. Moreover, it’s a nonlocal
theory: the result of an experiment will sometimes depend on what other
experiments are performed at a distance.
This is no accident; Bell’s theorem (see [4]) shows that any theory of
this sort has to be nonlocal.
There are other theories, known as dynamical collapse
theories, which also yield accounts of a single, observer-independent
reality. These theories yield virtually
the same predictions as standard quantum mechanics for all experiments that are
currently feasible, but differ from the predictions of quantum mechanics for some
experiments involving macroscopic objects.
Much of the confusion surrounding quantum mechanics, which
leads smart people to say foolish things, stems from the fact that, in the
usual textbook presentations, we are not presented with a coherent physical
theory. Typical textbook presentations incorporate something that is called the
“collapse postulate.” This postulate
tells you that, when an experiment is done, you dispense with the usual rule
for evolving quantum states, and replace the quantum state by one corresponding
to the actual outcome of the experiment (which, typically, could not have been
predicted from the quantum state). This is call “quantum state collapse.” There
is some ambiguity as to its status, which reflects ambiguity as to the status
of quantum states. Sometimes collapse is taken to be a real physical process
(which it would have to be, if a quantum state represents something physically
real); sometimes, collapse is taken to involve mere updating of information
(which would be appropriate if a quantum state represents nothing more than an
agent’s knowledge about a system). Confusion arises if the two views of
collapse are conflated.
If we want to apply the collapse postulate, we need guidance
as to when to apply it, and when to use the usual quantum dynamics, and
textbooks are inevitably vague on this. In practice, this vagueness tends not
to matter much. But a thought-experiment
devised by Eugene Wigner [5] imagines a situation in which it does matter.
Brukner’s thought-experiment is a combination of Wigner’s thought-experiment
and tests of Bell inequalities.
In the variant of Wigner’s thought-experiment invoked by
Brukner, a friend of Wigner’s, named Friend,
who is locked in a hermetically sealed lab, does an experiment, with two
possible results, which we will call up
and down, on a particle that is
prepared in a particular, known quantum state, chosen so that the two outcomes
of the experiment have equal probability. Wigner considers the quantum state of
the content of Friend’s lab. If the collapse postulate is applied at the end of
Friend’s experiment, the quantum state of the lab should be the one corresponding
to the result that Friend obtained, up or down. If, on the other hand, the no-collapse rules
of quantum state evolution apply, the quantum state is a state that is
represented as a sum of up and down states.
Fig. 1. Wigner's Friend thought-experiment. From [3]. |
Moreover, if Wigner has unlimited powers of manipulation and
no qualms about doing violence to his friend, the question of whether the
quantum state is collapsed when Friend does her experiment can be decided
experimentally. The easiest way to do this would probably be to precisely reverse the
velocity of everything inside Friend’s lab and wait a while, so that the
experiment is undone, removing any trace, in Friend’s memory, her lab
equipment, and any system that might carry a record of the experimental result,
of the outcome of the experiment. For the sake of argument suppose this could
be done. Then, if no collapse has occurred,
this would restore the original state of the particle that Friend experimented
upon, and we could then do an experiment to test for this state. Label the results of this experiment yes or no. If no collapse occurs
when Friend does her experiment, the result will be yes with certainty, and, if Friend’s experiment collapses the
state, the result will be yes with
probability ½ and no with probability
½. A Wigner with the powers we are imagining him to have could do the
experiment repeatedly, and so determine whether or not Friend’s experiment
collapses the quantum state.
What do the two observer-independent theories we have
mentioned would say about this thought experiment? The de Broglie-Bohm theory
says that the quantum state always obeys the usual, no-collapse law of
evolution. However, the quantum state isn’t an exhaustive description of
physical reality; at the end of Friend’s experiment, there is an objective
matter of fact about which result she obtained. Wigner can verify that the
quantum state has not collapsed, but only at the expense of erasing Friend’s
memory and any other trace of the outcome. None of this is an ad hoc adjustment of the theory to
handle cases like this, it’s what the theory, as we have it, tells us about
this case.
A collapse theory would also say that Friend has obtained a
definite result. But, on a theory like that, when Wigner does his experiment to
determine whether the quantum state has collapsed, he would find that it has.
Obviously, Proietti et
al. have not achieved a full-blown realization of the Wigner-Brukner
thought-experiment. The equivalent of the Friend, in their experiment, is a
single photon. The set-up of their experiment, unlike that of the full-blown Wigner’s
Friend thought-experiment, is one in which collapse theories predict no
Puzzlement about the Wigner thought-experiment stems from the
conjunction of (1) an assumption that, if the quantum state hasn’t collapsed,
there’s no matter of fact about what the result of Friend’s experiment is
(false on the de Broglie-Bohm theory) and (2) an assumption that Wigner will
find that the state has not collapsed (false on a collapse theory). Any theory according to which there is an
objective, observer-independent world must violate one of these assumptions.
Brukner’s version of the thought-experiment involves a pair
of hermetically sealed labs, each containing an observer playing the role of
Wigner’s friend, and an observer outside each of these labs. The external observers, named, Alice and Bob,
each have a choice of two experiments that they can perform on the contents of
the two labs (which, of course, include the internal observer, who are named Charlie and Debbie). The possible experiments of Alice (carried
out on Charlie’s lab) are labelled A1
and A2, and the possible
experiments of Bob (carried out on Debbie’s lab) are B1 and B2.
The experiments A1, B1 are chosen so that they
amount to asking Charlie and Debbie what they saw. The experiments A2, B2
are chosen to be equivalent to the sort of experiment that Wigner is imagined
to do, in the Wigner’s friend thought experiment.
Charlie and Debbie perform their experiments on a pair of
particles prepared in a quantum state that is chosen so that (on the assumption
that the usual rule of quantum evolution applies to their experiments, and
there’s no collapse), the predicted quantum statistics for Alice and Bob’s
experiment violate a Bell inequality. This has the consequence, via a theorem
due to Arthur Fine [6], that we can’t think of these statistics as arising from
a probability distribution over definite values of A1, A2,
B1, B2, that are merely revealed upon measurement.
What does the de Broglie-Bohm theory say about this
experiment? First, that Charlie and
Debbie will observe definite outcomes, and that Alice and Bob can learn these
outcomes by performing experiments A1
and B1. Second, if an A2 experiment is performed on Charlie’s lab, all trace
of Charlie’s result will be erased, and if a B2 experiment is performed on Debbie’s lab, all trace of
her result will be erased.
The quantum state used in the experiment predicts
correlations between the outcomes of the experiments, and the de Broglie-Bohm
theory will get these right. If A1 B1 experiments are performed in a repeated series of
tests, Bob’s result will be correlated with Alice’s result, and hence with
Charlie’s result, which is reflected in Alice’s. If A1 B2 experiments are
performed, again, Bob’s result will be correlated with Alice’s, and hence also
with Charlie’s. If A2 B1
experiments are performed, Alice’s result will be correlated with Bob’s, and
hence also with Debbie’s. It’s at this
point that it looks like there’s a conflict with quantum mechanics. If A2 B2 experiments are
performed, the de Broglie-Bohm theory predicts that the results are correlated,
just the way quantum mechanics says that they should be. You might be tempted to conclude that, in
this case, Alice’s result is still correlated with Debbie’s, and Bob’s with
Charlie’s, on the (reasonable-seeming) assumption that Alice’s result is still
the same as it would have been if Bob had done the B1 experiment, and Bob’s result is the same as it would
have been if Alice had done the A1 experiment.
But (as I already mentioned) this can’t be done: there’s no
way to maintain all four of the pairwise correlations:
1. The correlation between the results obtained by Charles
and Debbie.
2. The correlation between the results of Alice’s A2-experiment and Bob’s B2-experiment.
3. The correlation between the result of Alice’s A2-experiment and Debbie’s result,
which we would have found if Bob had done a B1-experiment.
4. The correlation between the result of Bob’s B2-experiment and Charlie’s result,
which we would have found if Alice had done an A1-experiment.
For the cases in which Alice does an A2-experiment and Bob does a B2-experiment, the de Broglie-Bohm theory is obliged to
respect the quantum correlations in (2).
Since Charlie and Debbie actually do their experiments, and obtain
results (and, in principle, could have compared them if Alice and Bob had not
intervened), the theory also respects the quantum correlations in (1). It predicts that, in the cases in which Alice
does an A2-experiment and Bob
does a B2-experiment, at
least one of the correlations (3) and (4), represented by blue lines in Figure 3, will be broken. Exactly how will depend crucially on the details of
how the experiments are done (for example: if Alice does her experiment first,
and then Bob, Alice’s results will still be correlated with Debbie’s, but Bob’s resuls won't be correlated with Charlie’s).
Could we check to see whether, in this case, the
correlations (3) and (4) are maintained? No, because, as we’ve emphasized, Alice’s
A2-experiment requires erasing
all trace of Charlie’s result, and Bob’s B2-experiment
requires erasing all trace of Debbie’s result.
The de Broglie-Bohm theory promises only to recover quantum probabilistic
predictions for all records of experimental results that exist at a given
time. And it does that.
[1] “A
quantum experiment suggests there’s no such thing as objective reality.” MIT Technology Review, March 12, 2019.
[2] Proietti,
Massimo, et al. , “Experimental
rejection of observer-independence in the quantum world.” arXiv:1902.05080v1 [quant-ph].
[4] Myrvold, Wayne, Marco Genovese, Marco and Abner Shimony,
“Bell’s Theorem.”
The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2019 Edition), Edward
N. Zalta (ed.).
[5] Wigner, Eugene, “Remarks on the mind-body question,” in The
Scientist Speculates, I. J. Good (ed.). London,
Heinemann, 1961: 284–302.
[6] Arthur Fine, “Hidden variables, joint probability, and the Bell inequalities.” Physical Review Letters 48 (1982): 291–295.
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